Saturday, March 3, 2007

Driving through the storm

The drearier, grayer side of driving when the sun isn't out and it's still storming!


You know there's a lot of snow when it reaches your belly! AND someone has to shovel a path for you!

Some favorite photo spots in Deephaven..."ye olde farme" and the perfect little country lane.


Our favorite trees in the back yard.

Home Sweet Home

The humble domicile...

Friday, March 2, 2007

Welcome to Minnesota, where we wear our sunglasses more often in the winter than in the summer! Here I am, ready to rock and roll....sunglasses, North Face coat and gloves, shovel in the back. Now, if only I can get out of the driveway!

Have you ever wondered what it's like to drive in this? Well, here it is from behind the wheel. (Yes, I stopped the car to take the pictures!) Four wheel drive, all wheels, all the time. It is beautiful to see everything blanketed in snow and the trees lining the roads like this are especially beautiful.